Getting help to quit smoking

We can help you with support to quit

People who receive support from one of our local Stop Smoking Practitioners have a 1 in 4 chance of success.  People who opt to go 'cold turkey' without any support have a 1 in 25 chance of success.

Support is available - call our local stop smoking service, Manaaki Ora, now on 0800 348 2400. 

Our staff can organise a referral for you as a patient, your whānau, visitors and friends to the Manaaki Ora Smokefree Support Service.

Our Toi Te Ora Public Health have information about our community Smokefree work that is towards for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025. To learn more please visit our Toi Te Ora Public Health website .

Free national quit smoking support and information is available though: